mark :: blog

11 Sep 2005: Mozilla and Firefox

On Friday we read about the Firefox security issue, CAN-2005-2871. This issue looked like it could well be a 'critical' issue potentially allowing a malicious web page to control a heap buffer overflow. We know that various technologies in Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Fedora Core are likely to reduce the chances of this being actually exploitable by an attacker -- checks foil the most usual way of exploiting heap overflows by messing with malloc control structures, and on x86 at least heap randomization makes an exploit harder. But this issue was already public and so we didn't have the luxury of time to be able to test the mitigation. So we initiated our emergency response process to get the packages through development and QA and got Firefox and Mozilla packages out via Red Hat Network within 20 hours of this issue being public (due to the awesome work from engineering folks, QA folks, and the security response team who worked late into Friday night to get this done).

Created: 11 Sep 2005
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Hi! I'm Mark Cox. This blog gives my thoughts on security work, open source, home automation, and other topics.